Samurye NEA12 Hybrid Ryegrass

Samurye NEA12 hybrid ryegrass introduces NEA12 endophyte to elite ryegrass breeding. The grass is a selection from a 50/50 Italian and Bealey perennial ryegrass cross. The result is a variety with the yield potential of the best Italian ryegrasses with improved persistence.


“Samurye NEA12 just stands out every time you enter one of the trials.  It always looks good. When we are measuring the trials, we see Samurye always performing, as it tops the scales all-year round. Even just cutting it with the trials mower you can sense the machine working a bit harder in the Samurye trial plots. Shogun is also really good, and Samurye is yielding more again. This is up to 15% more in some seasons, especially from late summer, autumn through to later winter. Samurye is really something else.”

Dustin Cundy, Barenbrug Farm Operations Manager – Howlong Research Farm


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