Download a copy of the Leafmore Forage Rape factsheet or for reults from our recent trials, data is now available in this Leafmore brochure.
A hybrid type forage brassica, Leafmore produces high yielding dry matter and has a good leaf to stem ratio. It can be autumn, winter or spring sown, providing an ideal forage and rotation option. Leafmore is highly palatable and depending on conditions, 10–12t Dm/ha of production is possible within one season. It demonstrates a good cold tolerance and excellent regrowth after grazing. When sown in spring, can grow for 18 months.
Key features
- Early maturity 8 – 10 weeks to first grazing
- Vigorous establishment and high yielding, capable of producing 12,000 kg/DM/ha if moisture allows
- Excellent re-growth for 4 or more grazings
- Multi stemmed with semi erect growth habit
- Suitable for autumn and spring sowing
- High forage quality with good leaf to stem ratio
- Superior cold growth habit and frost tolerance
- Cross between Winfred and Emerald
Key benefits
- Produces very high dry-matter forage crops that are high energy and protein
- Ideal for lamb-finishing in summer as other pasture feed quality declines
- Ability to graze multiple times
- An ideal break crop for before planting a permanent pasture (e.g. Phalaris)
Pest Resistance
Like any brassica, establishment pests such as red legged earth mites, lucerne flea and cockchafer can be a problem. Barenbrug recommends the use of Gaucho Insecticidal seed dressing to offer 2–3 weeks protection from time of sowing. Careful monitoring is also required to ensure abnormal pressure or attacks do not occur outside the protection window. Once temperatures warm up and the plant reaches grazing maturity, diamond back or cabbage moth (Plutella) can cause severe defoliation. Due to their rapid lifecycle, careful monitoring, strategic grazing and timely insecticide application can assist. SP insecticides (E.g. Sumi AlphaFlex) are registered and work better when coupled with higher water rates, spraying later in the day and using feed additives. For severe infestations Bt insectides (E.g. Success & Mimic) achieve better results. Observe all label recommendations and stock withholding periods.
Soil Type
Leafmore, like most brassicas has a high fertility requirement and well prepared soil. It is suited to well drained, loamy soils through to heavy clays.
Leafmore offers greater dry matter production, time to first grazing and palatability over current varieties in the market place. Leafmore has been extensively trialled across many sites across southern Australia and consistently shows up as a superior brassica in its class.
Disease Resistance/Tolerance
Leafmore has natural levels of glucosinalates, which act as a biofumigant against some soil borne diseases and offers a great rotation to cereals and grasses. Like all forage brassicas however, it does host and suffer from Blackleg, and great care should be taken when sowing in canola areas. It is not recommended to sow Leafmore into canola stubble, nor canola into Leafmore stubble.
Variety Management/Agronomy
Soil preparation
Leafmore, like most brassicas has a high fertility requirement and well prepared soil. It is suited to well drained, loamy soils through to heavy clays.
Sl acidic to Sl alkaline 5.5–7.5 CaCl. Liming is recommended on lower pH paddocks. Leafmore doesn’t tolerate higher Al or Mn levels associated with acidity.
Leafmore will produce higher DM under higher N systems, but care needs to be taken with nitrate issues.
It is suggested that Leafmore is sown into soils of Olsen P of 15mg/kg or greater.
Base potassium levels will ensure maximum leaf area. S - Sulphur helps drive production, but some care with grazing issues in relation to N: S-Kale Anaemia ‘Red Water’ can develop if P levels are low.
Fertiliser suggestions
Ideally sow with a Starter N,P fertiliser E.g. 75kg/ha MAP or DAP, or Granulock 12 or similar.
Weed control
A good knockdown prior to sowing will ensure most weed problems are kept to a minimum. Check paddock history for any products that may have a residual or plantback effect on forage brassicas.
Brassicas are high quality, low fibre forages that need some management to achieve best results. Introduce stock slowly to Leafmore, allow access for 2–3 hours a day initially, gradually increasing. Incorporate a grass run off area and/or alternative fibre sources, E.g. Hay in the corner (needs to be at least 25% of the diet). Cows are likely to eat 4–5kg/ha DM forage rape per day, (and as a rule – it should only be 30% of their diet). Allow access to good quality water and monitor stock, especially relating to issues such as nitrate poisoning, periods of plant stress, photosensitization. Remove stock during such time.
Paddock & Grazing Management
Brassicas are high quality, low fibre forages that need some management to achieve the best results;
- Introduce stock slowly to Leafmore. Allow access for 2-3 hours a day initially, gradually increasing. Incorporate a grass run off area and/or alternative fibre sources Eg Hay in the corner (Needs to be at least 25% of the diet)
- Cows are likely to eat 4-5kg/ha Dm Forage Rape per day, and as a rule – it should only be 30% of their diet
- Allow access to good quality water
- Monitor stock- especially relating to issues such as Nitrate poisoning, periods of plant stress, photosensitization. Remove stock during such time
Critical Comments
Leafmore, with its hybrid type growth habit offers Autumn or Spring sowing opportunities, reducing the risk of bolting. With superior growth during cooler temperatures it offers an exciting feed to extend the feed window. Depending on conditions 10-12t Dm/ha of production is likely within one season.
For more information on Grazing and Milking on Brassicas, read “Growing forage rape in the Autumn” Bill Fulkerson, Future Dairy Technote Feb 2008, University of Sydney, Camden NSW.
Plant Breeders Rights (PBR): This variety is registered under Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) in Australia. Unauthorised commercial propagation or any sale, conditioning, export, import or stocking of propagating material is an infringement under the Plant Breeders Rights Act (1994). Any breach of this legislation will leave the grower liable for prosecution.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this brochure is from official and other sources and is considered to be reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Barenbrug does not accept any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from the acceptance of recommendations or the suggestions made.