Meatmaster HP

Premium pasture blend

  • A productive year round pasture
  • Suited for the 600-800mm summer temperate environments
  • Production and persistence in high performance grazing systems

Summer Rainfall

A productive year round pasture for the 600 to 800mm rainfall or summer temperate tablelands environments. This mix provides production and persistence in high performance grazing systems.


Variety Species %
Summer active tall fescue Summer active tall fescue 75
Storm White clover 10
Morrow Red clover 15






MEATMASTER™ pasture seed blends are ‘ready to sow’, offering the latest pasture technology and best seed varieties. Choose between short term and permanent pasture for your rainfall zone,  paddock conditions and desired outcome.

MEATMASTER™ pasture seed blends are ‘ready to sow’, offering the latest pasture technology and best seed varieties. Choose between short term and permanent pasture for your rainfall zone,  paddock conditions and desired outcome.

MEATMASTER™ pasture seed blends are ‘ready to sow’, offering the latest pasture technology and best seed varieties. Choose between short term and permanent pasture for your rainfall zone,  paddock conditions and desired outcome.