Curator Maca Mix

Lawn/turf seed

  • Better quality inter-rows
  • Low cut turf density
  • Good wear tolerance
  • Shade tolerance
  • Assisting in erosion control
  • Good drought tolerance

Key features 

  • Better quality inter-rows
  • Low cut turf density
  • Good wear tolerance
  • Shade tolerance
  • Assisting in erosion control
  • Good drought tolerance


Key benefits

  • Better coverage inter-rows mean less soil and erosion loss
  • Improved shade species mean no bare spots
  • Lower cut turf varieties that sit the nut ‘on top’ for reduced yield loss
  • Lower cut turf varieties reduce upright growth that can harbour rodents
  • Lower maintenance varieties reduce mowing and fuel costs


Choose from the following species:


Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon) produces a vigorous, deep-rooted, medium green, dense turf, which is well adapted to most soils, which grows the best in warm climates. Bermudagrass spreads by both rhizomes and stolons. It has excellent density, wear, drought, heat, and salt tolerance. Bermudagrass establishes quickly, producing a surface for nuts to sit on top of, during harvest. Bermudagrass once established, is strong against weeds.

Sportsfield Turf Ryegrass (Lolium Perenne) is a versatile continental grass suited to a wide range of climates throughout Australia. Sportsfield turf ryegrass is a cost-effective variety. It establishes quickly to allow areas with a similar density to the “Gabba” surface. It has good shade tolerance and is well suited for autumn/winter seeding. Sportsfield turf ryegrass has excellent genetic parentage exhibiting dark green turf quality, wear tolerance, disease resistance, low density, providing ease in mowing. 

Narrow leaf carpet grass (Axonopus fissifolius) is a perennial creeping grass which makes a dense low profile, low maintenance lawn grass. It can perform well in a wide variety of soil conditions and can be a dominant species in low fertile situations.

Carpet grass performs very well in the shade of inter-rows and can also grow in full sun, making it a very adaptable species. Because of its prostrate growth and dense turf, Carpet Grass is a great choice in mixture.


Zoysia (Zoysia japonica) is a low maintenance slower growing grass. Despite having runners that allow the grass to spread, it will not be overtaking an inter-row situation too quickly. Zoysia turf is an excellent choice for shaded inter-row situations, coping well with 40% shade for wear areas, and 50% shade for low wear areas, perfect for grassed areas that have overhanging foliage.


Queensland blue couch (Digitaria didactyla) is an excellent choice to produce a soft, fine leaf grass with a blue-green tinge. It is ideal for tropical and sub-tropical areas, as it grows well on a wide range of neutral to acid soils.

Queensland blue couch is a dominant grass when compared to other warm season varieties, particularly under low fertility conditions. It has good drought tolerance and recovers well from drought, following rainfall events.


Pensacola Bahia's (Paspalum notatum) has excellent drought resistance with better shade tolerance, than bermudagrass. In southern Queensland, it is a major perennial grass weed species in, parks and urban open space areas. Pensacola Bahia’s ability to withstand drought better than most other grasses, makes it well suited to low maintenance areas with limited irrigation. It is used turf situations such as roadsides, lawns, inter-rows situations and airports. Seeds can take some time to establish but once established, it becomes a dominant turf species due to its, robust root system and dense mat of stolons and rhizomes.


For more information please contact your local Barenbrug Territory manager or call FREECALL 1800 007 333



For best results, warm season species like Bermudagrass, Carpet, Zoysia seed should be planted when soil temperatures reach at least 18°C. Seeding rate of mixes will vary on seeding methods used however, 25- 50 kg/Ha sown into a well-prepared firm seedbed. Ensure seed is covered with no more than 6mm of soil. Maintain adequate soil moisture around seed using frequent but light irrigation or rain events.


During establishment, it is recommended to apply a suitable starter fertiliser such as MAP to supply good nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition during grow in. Stands should be fertilised monthly during grow in, dependent on soil tests. It should also be noted that in late autumn, as warm season species are preparing for dormancy, it is recommended to apply additional amounts of potassium while significantly reducing nitrogen. 


For further information on the best mix for your needs please contact your local Barenbrug Territory Manager.

The economically and ecologically sound use and management of grass occupies a prominent position in Barenbrug’s product development. Through the introduction of the GreenEarth quality label, Barenbrug is helping green space managers to achieve a more sustainable use and management of grass.