Prime Pasture Mix

Ideal for heavier black, self-mulching soil types

  • Suited to the heavier black, self mulching and grey cracking flood plain soil types
  • Enhanced productivity
  • Productive mix for finishing cattle in summer whilst building a large volume of good stand over feed for the winter months


This mix is suited to the heavier black, self-mulching and grey-cracking flood plain soil types. The productivity of Tolgar Rhodes®, Bambatsii and Megamax®059 is enhanced by the adaptation to the soil type. The late season of the grasses is complemented by a legume component to keep protein in the pasture and nitrogen cycling. This is a very productive mix for finishing cattle in summer, whilst building a large volume of good standover feed for the winter months.


Variety Species %
Tolgar Rhodes® Rhodes grass 30
Megamax®059 Panic grass 20
Bambatsii Panic grass 20
SARDI-Grazer Lucerne 10
Medic mix Medic 10
Presto/Garnet Burgundy bean 10
Disclaimer: The information presented in this brochure is from official and other sources and is considered to be reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Barenbrug does not accept any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from the acceptance of recommendations or the suggestions made.
Tropical Mixes

If you’re thinking about renovating or improving your pasture this season, it’s worth considering a tropical blend or a custom mix. At Barenbrug we have a number of high performance tropical grass mixes and legume blends offering multiple benefits to graziers.

If you’re thinking about renovating or improving your pasture this season, it’s worth considering a tropical blend or a custom mix. At Barenbrug we have a number of high performance tropical grass mixes and legume blends offering multiple benefits to graziers.

If you’re thinking about renovating or improving your pasture this season, it’s worth considering a tropical blend or a custom mix. At Barenbrug we have a number of high performance tropical grass mixes and legume blends offering multiple benefits to graziers.