Western Heavy Soil Mix

Developed for brigalow country

  • Suited to heavy brigalow melon hole country or high clay content brigalow country
  • Handles the water logging of the melon holes
  • Creates high protein as well as being tap root which will create and return nitrogen to the soil

Developed for medium to heavy textured clay soils such as brigalow clays, open downs and heavier alluvial soils. This mix contains species that are tolerant of sodic and alkaline soil conditions commonly found in heavy soil types. The productivity of Tolgar Rhodes® combined with the production output from Biloela and Bambatsii adaptation abilities to soil type, help further bolster this tropical mix. Addition of two tropical legumes suitable for heavier soils helps to supply companion grasses with nitrogen and improve the feed quality of the improved pasture.


Variety Species %
Bambatsii Panic grass 25
Tolgar Rhodes® Rhodes grass 25
Biloela Buffel grass 25
Presto Burgundy bean 15
Ray Desmanthus® Desmanthus 10
Disclaimer: The information presented in this brochure is from official and other sources and is considered to be reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Barenbrug does not accept any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from the acceptance of recommendations or the suggestions made.
Tropical Mixes

If you’re thinking about renovating or improving your pasture this season, it’s worth considering a tropical blend or a custom mix. At Barenbrug we have a number of high performance tropical grass mixes and legume blends offering multiple benefits to graziers.

If you’re thinking about renovating or improving your pasture this season, it’s worth considering a tropical blend or a custom mix. At Barenbrug we have a number of high performance tropical grass mixes and legume blends offering multiple benefits to graziers.

If you’re thinking about renovating or improving your pasture this season, it’s worth considering a tropical blend or a custom mix. At Barenbrug we have a number of high performance tropical grass mixes and legume blends offering multiple benefits to graziers.