Winter active alfalfa

  • Highly winter active rating of 10
  • Excellent persistence
  • Good dry matter yield
  • Excellent pest and disease ratings
  • Suitable for short term grazing
  • Well adapted to cut and carry operations

Download a copy of the PX2 Alfalfa factsheet.


PX2 is a high performing, highly winter active variety bred from elite parent material from Australia and the USA.  Once established it will persist well from year to year and provide superior all year round forage yield which means it can be adapted to grazing/hay cut farming systems.


Key features

  • Highly winter active rating of 10
  • Excellent pest and disease ratings
  • Excellent recovery after cutting


Key benefits

  • Good dry matter yield
  • Suitable for short term grazing
  • Well adapted to cut and carry operations


Trial Results

PX2 has performed well in various trials thus far.  Ongoing work is being conducted to assess its long-term performance.


Variety management/agronomy

It is important that alfalfa seedlings are given adequate time to establish prior to the first cut or grazing. Failure to do so can result in reduced plant numbers and hence plant density and the quality of the overall stand reduces. The first cut/graze should occur when the plants have an established root system and height around 5-10 cm. This may take 6-8 weeks depending on growing conditions. After the initial cut/graze it is important that the stand be given adequate time to regrow before going through the process again. This is normally around 4-6 weeks, care should be taken to avoid over stocking. 


Pest and disease ratings (crop characteristics, UC Davis, USA)
PX2 is highly resistant (HR) to spotted alfalfa aphid (Therioaphistrifolii) and blue green aphid (Acyrthosiphon kondoi). As with other alfalfa varieties, PX2 is susceptible to damage from red legged earth mite (Halotydens destructor) and control measures need to take place prior to seeding or soon after germination. AgriCote seed will aid establishment in these circumstances.
PX2 is resistant (R) to phytophthora root rot (Phytophthora medicaginis) and anthracnose.









Plant Breeders Rights (PBR): This variety is registered under Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) in Australia. Unauthorised commercial propagation or any sale, conditioning, export, import or stocking of propagating material is an infringement under the Plant Breeders Rights Act (1994). Any breach of this legislation will leave the grower liable for prosecution.
Disclaimer: The information presented in this brochure is from official and other sources and is considered to be reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Heritage Seeds does not accept any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from the acceptance of recommendations or the suggestions made.


A highly productive perennial that will generally out-yield most other pasture species in light-medium soils in dry environments. Alfalfa is an excellent source of nutritious feed that should be a strong consideration where there is opportunity for production.

A highly productive perennial that will generally out-yield most other pasture species in light-medium soils in dry environments. Alfalfa is an excellent source of nutritious feed that should be a strong consideration where there is opportunity for production.

A highly productive perennial that will generally out-yield most other pasture species in light-medium soils in dry environments. Alfalfa is an excellent source of nutritious feed that should be a strong consideration where there is opportunity for production.