
Balansa Clover

  • Improved autumn and winter growth compared with Bolta cv
  • Late maturity (130 days), to hold quality for longer than Paradana cv, ideal for hay/silage ryegrass mixes
  • Improved seedling vigour
  • Tolerant to water-logging
  • Good tolerance to cowpea  aphid, blue green aphid &  spotted alfalfa aphid

Download a copy of the Vista Balansa clover factsheet.


Vista (Trifolium michelianum) is an annual temperate pasture legume that grows during the autumn, winter and spring periods. Vista is a late maturing (similar to Bolta), hard seeded Annual clover that is well suited for medium to high rainfall environments. It demonstrates semi-erect growth when grown in a mixed sward situation but will remain prostrate if grown as a pure sward or grazed. Leaf size and shape can vary significantly. Vista generally has plain leaves or leaves with a white crescent and demonstrates little pink or silver colouration, as can be observed with Frontier or Paradana. Whilst Vista can provide excellent herbage production particularly in spring conditions it was selected for its superior autumn and winter production compared to Paradana & Bolta. Seed size of Vista is 15–20% larger than Paradana, which will assist with much improved seedling vigour allowing better establishment. Vista is an excellent pasture variety which is suited to heavy grazing. It is highly digestible (14–18% crude protein) and can be used on its own or in pasture mixtures that may consist of Persian clover, Sub clover, grasses or lucerne. Vista provides added benefits as a disease break while also fixing nitrogen.


Key features

  • Improved autumn and winter growth compared with Bolta cv
  • Late maturity (130 days), to hold quality for longer than Paradana cv, ideal for hay/silage ryegrass mixes
  • Improved seedling vigour
  • Tolerant to water-logging
  • Good tolerance to cowpea  aphid, blue green aphid &  spotted alfalfa aphid


Key benefits

  • Vista has a later maturity than Paradana so will hold quality later into the season, making it a superior hay/silage option
  • Vista Balansa will offer increased benefits on forage and crop rotation farms during these important months by allowing high level production of hay and standing feed, as well as improved Nitrogen fixation
  • With tolerance to both clover scorch and waterlogging, Vista can be relied upon in a number of different situations


Suggest sowing rates

The recommended planting rate for Vista Balansa clover is:

Pure: 7–12kg/ha

Mixes: 3–6kg/ha



New sown stands can be grazed lightly during the 1st year of establishment. Hay cuts and heavy grazing should be avoided if regeneration is desired. Stock should be removed at the first sign of budding to increase the levels of seed set for regeneration in the following year.


Disease / pest resistance

Vista is tolerant of clover scorch (Kabatiella caulivora) but can be susceptible to Pythium during the seedling stage, given suitable conditions. No other significant diseases have been recorded in Vista. Vista is susceptible to red legged earth mites (Halotydeus destructor) and lucerne flea (Sminthurus virdis), as per other balansa clovers, particularly during the establishment period and control measures need to be undertaken. In field situations it has been noted that Vista  has good tolerance to cowpea aphid (Aphis craccivora), blue-green aphid (Acyrthosiphon kondoi) and spotted alfalfa aphid  (Therioaphis trifolii). Moderate aphid damage may occur  and control may be required to minimise damage.


Agronomy and management

Due to Vista’s hard seeded nature, it will demonstrate excellent levels of regeneration and persists well under set stocking. Improved production will occur should you graze regenerating pastures soon after the autumn break. This will help minimise the competition level from weeds as seedlings can be slow to establish. Pastures can be grazed hard from early winter through to budding and flowering. In established stands, light to moderate grazing can continue during the flowering period and low to moderate levels of seed set can still be achieved. As with many pure legume stands, Balansa Clover can cause bloat in livestock but this is not commonly observed.



Vista is has been bred for superior disease resistance, forage yield and vigour compared with other balansa clovers. Being a balansa clover, Vista is an ideal legume for water-logged country with very-good tolerance to waterlogging and producing  high-quality forage.



Plant Breeders Rights (PBR): This variety is registered under Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) in Australia. Unauthorised commercial propagation or any sale, conditioning, export, import or stocking of propagating material is an infringement under the Plant Breeders Rights Act (1994). Any breach of this legislation will leave the grower liable for prosecution.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this brochure is from official and other sources and is considered to be reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Barenbrug does not accept any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from the acceptance of recommendations or the suggestions made.