
Forage sorghum

  • Sudan x sudan grass
  • Lower prussic acid levels
  • Fine stemmed for quicker drydown after cutting
  • Excellent leaf to stem ratio with less waste
  • Intensive grazing for sheep and cattle
  • Ideal for earlier grazing
  • First choice for quality hay production

Download a copy of the Nudan forage sorghum factsheet.


Nudan is a next generation forage sorghum hybrid that’s been specifically bred for the top end forage market where quality and performance are paramount. Nudan has soft velvety leaves and fine stems for quicker drydown after cutting.


Product fit

Those producers who demand high quality forage sorghum for both grazing and hay production. Dairy farmers, sheep/prime lamb producers and haymakers should put this hybrid on top of their shopping list.


Key features

  • Sudan x sudan grass
  • Lower prussic acid levels
  • Fine stemmed for quicker drydown after cutting
  • Excellent leaf to stem ratio with less waste
  • Intensive grazing for sheep and cattle
  • Ideal for earlier grazing
  • First choice for quality hay production


Suggested sowing rates

Marginal dryland: 2 – 4 kg/ha

Good dryland: 5 – 7 kg/ha

Irrigated: 10 – 12 kg/ha


Agronomy & management




Disclaimer: The information presented in this brochure is from official and other sources and is considered to be reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Barenbrug does not accept any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from the acceptance of recommendations or the suggestions made.
