Ausiclear 20

IT (imi-tolerant) Sunflower

  • Oleic acid levels consistently above 85% (min standard 80%)
  • High yield potential
  • Excellent TSV (tobacco streak virus) tolerance
  • Herbicide tolerance for improved weed management

Download a copy of the Ausiclear 20 tech sheet.

Ausiclear 20 is the first herbicide tolerant sunflower hybrid to be released in Australia. It is tolerant to the herbicide Intervix® from BASF. Imi-tolerant sunflowers such as Ausiclear 20 provide a new management tool for in-crop management of weeds, particularly broadleaf weeds. Intervix® is registered for post-emergent use from the 2 to 8 leaf crop stage. The knockdown and residual control provides protection from weed competition during that critical canopy development stage of the sunflower crop. This allows the crop to utilize all the available moisture for seed and oil development.

Source: (

Key features

  • Black seed hybrid
  • High oleic (monounsaturated) oilseed
  • Early/medium maturity
  • Semi-erect head type
  • Short/medium plant height
  • Herbicide tolerant – for use with Intervix® from BASF



  •  Larger seed – stronger seedling vigour
  • Shorter plant – excellent standability and easier harvest
  • Spring and summer planting suitable
  • Earlier maturity beneficial for later planting or drier situations


Key benefits

  • Oleic acid levels consistently above 85% (min standard 80%)
  • High yield potential
  • Excellent TSV (tobacco streak virus) tolerance
  • Herbicide tolerance for improved weed management


Attributes chart


Agronomy and management

Head inclination and stem curvature

Hybrids with pendulous heads tend to suffer less sunscald at flowering than erect hybrids. However, pendulous hybrids with highly curved stems are more prone to lodging, making harvesting difficult, and water may pool in the back of the heads, increasing susceptibility to disease. Ausiclear 20 with a semi-erect head makes the hybrid well balanced to address lodging, sunscald and water pooling issues.


Seed size

Small to medium seed is preferred for early and / or spring plantings, as smaller seed generally establishes better in cooler conditions. Medium to large seed should be used in warmer conditions or when planting deeper into moisture. Larger seed is more suited to precision planters, as smaller, lighter seed may result in doubles in one hole of the planter plate.


Seed treatments

Ausiclear 20 is supplied with OptiCOTE™ Select which includes an insecticide and a fungicide to provide protection against soil dwelling insects and soil borne diseases.


Soil temperate and planting window

For early sowings, the soil temperature at 10 cm depth should exceed 10–12ºC at 8.00 am Eastern Standard Time and the period of heavy frosts should be finished. While 10ºC is the minimum, it is important to plant on rising soil temperatures. Sunflower establishment will be best when 7–10 days of favourable growing conditions immediately follow planting. Extremes of heat or cold may result in patchy plant stands.



Suggested sowing rates


Oil traits

Monounsaturated sunflowers are preferably sown in spring, because higher average night time temperatures during seed development will enhance the oleic acid content.



Disclaimer: The information presented in this brochure is from official and other sources and is considered to be reliable. It is provided in good faith and every care has been taken to ensure its accuracy. Barenbrug does not accept any responsibility for the consequences that may arise from the acceptance of recommendations or the suggestions made.
