Tall Fescue

(Sowing rate: 3kg/100m2)

RTF® stands for Rhizomatous Tall Fescue and is only available from Barenbrug/Nuturf. This unique, patented variety is currently the only tall fescue with rhizomes making it one of the most advanced tall fescue blends on the market. RTF® has also proven to be the best drought tolerant cool season turf grass in reduced watering trials. Beware of imitations.


Download a copy of the RTF Turf Saver factsheet. 


(Sowing rate: 4 - 5kg/100m2)

Barlexas II is a dark green variety with a high ranking in the NTEP and ANTEP trials. It is fine leaved and very quick to establish making it an outstanding choice for playgrounds, parks, home lawns and sod production. Barlexas II can withstand low mowing regimes and is able to handle traffic and some shade.


(Sowing rate: 4 - 5kg/100m2)

BarRobusto is a high-quality, dark green tall fescue which performs extremely well in the southern regions of Australia. Well suited to turf farm production, BarRobusto has shown it is fast out of the ground and exhibits a high level of endophyte which increases its resistance against pests and diseases.


Winter active roadside tall fescue


(Sowing rate: 4 - 5kg/100m2)

Prosper winter active, summer dormant tall fescue provides unbelievable drought tolerance and persistence. With very fast establishment and fine leaves, Prosper is an excellent choice for open space areas for winter colour and summer roadside drought tolerance.


Key features

  • Unparalleled cool season drought tolerance
  • Excellent establishment speed, similar to ryegrass
  • Summer dormancy resulting in reduced fire risk
  • Very fine and soft flexible leaves
  • Performs well under both high and low mowing heights
  • Disease resistance including excellent rust resistance


Download a copy of the Prosper (winter active roadside) tall fescue factsheet.